There seems to be a lot going on today with children and I have read many scientific journals over the last year that all point to the same problem. Cleanliness, they use to say it was next to godlyness, hover today many scientists say we have taken it to far. In an anti germ world many find ourselves constantly using antibacterial soaps, hand rinses, cleaning towels and laundry detergents and various other solutions. Have you ever wondered how we survived before these became so popular? Let me tell you, we were healthy, stronger, and had far better immune systems protecting our bodies.
Studies know show that all the antibacterial products have a negative effect on our lives. It works like this, our bodies are covered in more than 4,800 different types of bacteria. Very little of it is harmful and much of it defends our bodies. Bacteria produces enzymes that cut the DNA of viruses and kill them. Every time we wash with an anti bacterial soap we actually weaken our own defense. It goes far worse than that with children, did you know that today many children's immune systems are not properly developing because there environments are to clean.
There are such things as dangerous bacteria, most are not. When you kill all bacteria your bodies immune system never learns to defend its self, then suddenly a harmful bacteria shows up and your helpless to its affects and suffer for a longer period of time while your immune system learns how to identify and fight it off. By constantly being exposed to non harmful or weak bacteria your bodies becomes very good at defending its self, then when the day comes and the big bad disease shows up you are prepared and it has little affect on you.
To me the most frightening statistic is that 80 percent of the children who do not attend daycare develop asthma. This is a true and frightening statement. Children with very little exposure to the world now find them selves at a big disadvantage, being a strong proponent of home school I strongly reccomend that parents find ways for there children to interact with as many other virus-monkey children as possible to build there immune systems while they are still young. A story I often hear from parents goes like this, my child never got sick, they were always healthy. Then I had to put them in daycare and they immediately got sick and stayed sick for the first several months. This is the point that most parrents try to pull there kids out. Those that leave them in then follow with the rest of the story that reads, after several months of my children getting very single cold and virus that went around they suddenly stopped, and never really got sick again. That is usually about the time the light comes on for most parents and they realize what happend and how exposure to so many things helped their children develop a strong immune system.
Unless working with someone who has a known serious condition most scientists no longer recommend the use of antibacterial products on a frequent basis.
I can agree with most of this. I've researched auto immune diseases before and there is a large group of doctors who speculate (but lack definitive evidence) that too little exposure to germs has a terrible effect on not only your immune system's external strength/hardiness, but also on how your immune system copes with internal changes. Asthma is an auto immune disease, so while I'm not completely floored to see that statistic, I must say that its MUCH higher than I would have expected. I was a dirty kid, and now when bugs go through the office/house I have no trouble shrugging them off. I remember playing in mud (and loving it) so I can see where you're coming from perfectly. Very interesting post.
ReplyDeleteBtw, loved the virus-monkey child part, hilarious haha
Christian, If you get the chance and have the desire they are now naming the different types of bacteria that go through your immune system. It is pretty amazing but know they can tell exactly what you have and haven't been in contact with. You may find it interesting, I recently wrote a paper explaining how forensic scientist can now test the bacterial DNA on any given item and can tell who has touched it in the last three weeks. We think human DNA is unique but it turns out the 1400 different types of bacteria on our finger tips is even more revealing.